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The endless expanse of the egyptian Sahara is an imposing view
from the airplane window.
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The banks of the mighty Nile river provide the only relief.
Today as five thousands years ago, they shelter life in the
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Finally, the Red Sea. From the plane's window, the coast
shows a variety of colours, from the light blue of sandy
patches to the deep dark waters.
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Our hotel is the Flamingo Beach Resort, close to El Quseir.
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Inside the hotel.
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What the touristic brochures never say, is that the Red Sea
coast is swept almost every day by strong winds from the
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... enough to make waters too choppy for most people.
Our hotel had this long pier, which provided an excellent
entry point directly over the reef.
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At the first jump in the water,
the bottom is already between 8 and 15 meters.
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A sunset view of the beach, with El Quseir on the horizon.
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For those who prefer more sheltered waters, a small beach
is available a few chilometers away.
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The intrepid free-divers taking a rest from their hard life.
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Corals abound, expecially in the shallow waters such as here.
At less than 10 meters' depth, their colors are
spectacular and vivid.
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Spoiled by tens of tourists feeding them every day, reef fishes
beg shamelessly the intrepid free-diver.
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An underwater disposable camera of inferior quality doesn't
give justice to the beauty of this lion fish...
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... or to this impressive this moray eel, with a
head the size of a melon.
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Intrepid free-diver number two, checking out the rope at
fifteen meters before measuring himself against the
reef wall. Bottom depths of
fifty meters and more are within a short distance.