FIRPO II was inaugurated at the russian
SAO 6m telescope during a run in February 1997.
At this time, FIRPO II is at SAO, pending approval of the next observing
request and for an undefined period. More informations about logistic and
observing procedures at that telescope can be found here.
This page contains specific informations relative to the instrument itself, such as
pre-amplifier, the list of available
filters, the
zero points.
Note that some of this information and HTML pages may be under development or
missing altogether, while I gather the necessary information.
The news and
messages, as well as the
Standard Star magnitudes list,
will be in common with those
A lot of info on FIRPO II in connection with operations
at SAO is available also on the luna/6m directory on the portable PC.
This is a picture gallery of the instrument and its main components:
Click on the small images for an enlarged version.
Status as of November 1997. In November, we have
carried out a partially successful run, where it was possible to
align the instrument, check the telescope pointing under the
requirements of LO, and obtain SNR estimates. This and more is written
in an internal memo. Here below you can see a few recent pictures.
This is a
of the Nasmyth 1 entrance beam, dichroic mirror,
flange, support and instrument, TV camera tube.
The following is a
of the control table, with notebook (data acquisition), TV camera monitor,
oscilloscope, offset/filter box, telescope control PC and monitor,
intercom and microphone
Finally, this is a
of the cryostat attached to the vacuum pump in the main building at the
SAO (Bukhovo) village.