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Richichi, A., Chandrasekhar, T., Lisi, F., Howell, R.R., Meyer, C., Rabbia, Y., Ragland, S., Ashok, N.M. 1995, '' Sub-milliarcsecond resolution observations of two carbon stars: TX Psc and Y Tau revisited '', Astronomy and Astrophysics, 301, 439.
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Hamilton, D. P., Herbst, T. M., Böhnhardt, H., Ortiz-Moreno, J. L., Richichi, A., Calamai, G. 1995, `` Calar Alto Observations of the A, H, L, Q1 and Q2 Impacts '', Proceedings of the XXIInd General Assembly of the IAU, den Haag 15-27 Aug. 1994, Appenzeller, I. (ed.), Highlights of Astronomy, 10, 640.
Richichi, A., Tozzi, G.P., Ferrara, A., Calamai, G. 1995, '' Fast IR photometry of the impact of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 with Jupiter '', ``European SL9/Jupiter Workshop'' Garching 13-15 Feb. 1995, West, R., Böhnhardt, H. (eds.), p. 165.
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Tozzi, G.P., Richichi, A., Ferrara, A. 1995, '' High Temporal Resolution near-IR Observations of Impacts H and Q from Calar Alto and interpretation '', ``The Collision of Comet P/Shoemaker-Levy 9 and Jupiter'', Baltimore 9-12 May 1995, Weaver, H. (ed.), p. 111.
Richichi, A., Calamai, G., Lisi., F., Stecklum, B., Herbst, T., Thamm, E. 1996, '' The Peculiar Object IRAS 06088+1909 '', IAU Symposium 177, ''The carbon star phenomenon'', Antalya 27-31 May 1996, Wing, R.F. (ed.), in press.
Richichi, A. 1996, '' Studying the Coolest Giant Stars at Milliarcsecond Resolution '', ESO Workshop ''Science with the VLT Interferometer'', Garching 18-21 June 1996, Paresce, F. (ed.), in press.